Data Security
Payment Card Industry Security Standard - PCI
Does your data include client's credit card details? Are you aware of the Payment Card Industry Security Standard (PCI)? Either way if you are involved with credit cards at all then this article from Decru will be of interest to you.
How "Crunchy" Are You?
If you've been around security for the last few years, you've probably heard the phrase "crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside." That means your organisation is well protected with firewalls and/or antivirus tools at the gateways where the network meets the Internet, while the servers, storage and management consoles on the inside are left virtually unprotected.
Read this paper to understand why you should be "Crunchy on the inside" as well.
How Safe Are Your Backup Tapes
"There is one area of storage security that is an issue for everyone, regardless of the storage infrastructure. Most data at rest is not encrypted and is therefore vulnerable. You can back up data to tape for recovery purposes and even provide a secure place for it to be kept. However, if someone walks away with that tape and has the means to read the tape, he or she has that data.”
Here we look into methods of securing the backup and ensuring that even if lost, that tape won't be a security threat.
Could You Be Next On The List
It would seem that all sorts of companies have been lossing all sorts of data. Don't be the next name on the list. Here are some of the more notable losses - at least those that have been admitted to!